William Ferrell wrote:
> Oddly, I've noticed that if I rip a track and it 
> looks funky on my desktop (the same machine that ripped it), but then 
> use cdg2bin.py to master a new CDG disc containing that track, burn it, 
> and play it in a standalone player, it usually looks better. I have no 
> idea how that even works, except that perhaps PyKaraoke interprets CDG 
> instructions strictly and maybe some of the commercial players are 
> "looser" with the spec.

I think I know what's going on here.  There actually *are* some 
additional bits in the raw data stream returned by cdrdao that can be 
used to detect, and in some cases correct, certain kinds of errors in 
the CDG channels.  But cdgtools doesn't know about these extra bits, and 
doesn't use them to perform any error correction.  Standalone players 
do, though, so when you write the same bitstream out to a new disk, the 
standalone player can correct some of the errors.

I haven't found any documentation on the proper interpretation of these 
error-checking bits, but I have found a software program that can 
interpret these extra bits correctly, and it generally makes a cleaner 
rip than cdgtools, even on the same hardware.  Unfortunately, it's a 
closed-source, commercial, Windows-only program.


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