Hello all,

I wanted to update you on my experiences with ripping with a different
drive in two different ways.

I used my old Plextor CDRW drive, which has been rock-solid in the
past, and ripped using cdrdao with both the `--read-subchan rw' and 
`--read-subchan rw_raw' options.  The former was not available on my
other drive before, so both a change in reader and options gave me hope
that I could eliminate the artifacts.

After comparing the results of these two rips on a small sample of
tracks, I found the "rw" version was much more reliable.  For instance
in one track, the "rw_raw" version produced a total of 7 persistent
screen artifacts by the end of the song, while the "rw" version had 0.
Other tracks show similar results, though "rw" isn't perfect and still
has a few issues.  Overall, the "rw" rips are much less distracting and
will be fine for our use.  Also note that I think even the "rw_raw" rips
were slightly better than the "rw_raw" rips on the crappier DVD drive in
my mythbox.

Ultimately I think it would still be helpful to have a binary
diffing/merging tool that can help overcome these errors.  Even with a
good drive in "rw" mode, the rip wasn't perfect.  Consider the
perfectionists out there who can't stand artifacts, or those with
moderately scratched disks or crappy drives that just want to moderately
reduce the errors (or to elminate that one pesky blue text on blue
background error for good)...  If I had time, I would write it in an
afternoon, but for now I'm working on more open source projects than are
good for me.

thanks much,

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