On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 6:12 AM, Chris Withers <ch...@simplistix.co.uk>wrote:

> On 18/02/2011 04:35, Iain Duncan wrote:
>> And I see the following:
>> "If the registry argument is passed as a non-None value, it must be an
>> instance of the pyramid.registry.Registry class representing the
>> registry to configure."
> I certainly hope this isn't true.
> It would be frustrating if Pyramid no longer played nicely with stuff from
> zope.component...

So far it seems to be fine in my app. I'm using the global registry ( now
that I figured out my other issue with config.commit() ) and all seems to be
ok. Not sure what Chris M means, do you mean can I provide the answer by
finding out or by writing something better? I don't know enough about Zope
innards to know whether my simple test of using the globalSiteManager is
conclusive. Looks ok so far though.

If you mean a doc suggestion, should the entry for Configurator maybe read:

"If the registry argument is passed as a non-None value, it must be an
instance of the pyramid.registry.Registry class representing the registry to
configure, or be a valid zca registry such as the Zope global registry
obtained by calling zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()  ( see this link
for information on using the Zope global registry."

No idea if that's helpful... =)


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