On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 08:18:45AM +0000, Chris Withers wrote:
> On 19/02/2011 08:01, Chris McDonough wrote:
> >>Chris, is that a doc bug target? I guess it should just say that
> >>something that implements zope.component.interfaces.IComponents?
> >
> >Please someone submit a pull request wrt to this topic.
> This is a git thing, right?

It's a github thing.

> As such, it currently means nothing to me :-(
> Off to go and read up on git I guess...

http://help.github.com/pull-requests/ is neat, and it has links that
document the previous steps -- getting the sources and making changes.

> *grumble*

(I'm of the opinion that basic familiarity with modern version control
tools (Git, Mercurial, maybe Bazaar) is quickly becoming a useful, or
even not necessary, trait for a programmer.  There are very fine guides
that help with that -- http://help.github.com, http://hginit.com/.)

Marius Gedminas
MCSE == Minesweeper Consultant / Solitaire Expert

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