On 7/9/07, voltron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have hit the problem again of serving static content from a
> directory of my choice. I am serving a Pylons app through an Apache
> reverse proxy server, on Linux, this works, I set apache to proxy the
> whole root path. On windows, this just does not work.

Why doesn't it work on Windows?

> Would there be a way to set the path of static content to any path(not
> just paths under 'public') on a file system that would work properly
> on any os in the future?

I have a symbolic link in my public directory pointing to a large
directory of static files.  Not that this addresses your exact

Do you have to serve the files through Pylons (e.g., for
authentication or logging)?  What about serving them directly via
Apache (an Alias directive or "ProxyPass /pubic !")?


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