Thank you Mike and Jose for your answers.

@ Mike

Where was the 'static'  follder situated on your file system? Is it on
another drive? My Apache server is on drive C:and all my pylons
projects live on  D:. Actually I have had that to work well for
templates, I create alternate directories for them and I add them to
the list, that works, the only difference is that the Pylon project
and the new template directoty are on the same disc.


I have actually tried that out. As I mention, that works well on
Linux. Are you using Vhosts as well on windows? This is what my config
looks like. As yu see, I have tried both absolute paths, and it still
did not work as expected. The Apache version is 2.2.4. Pylons 0.95

<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName localhost
        #UseCanonicalName Off

        # D:/Projects/Pylons_projects/testapp/testapp/public
        DocumentRoot /
        ProxyRequests Off

        ProxyPass / http://localhost:5000
        ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:5000

        ProxyPass /css !
        ProxyPass /flash !
        ProxyPass /img !
        ProxyPass /scripts !
        ProxyPass /games !
        ProxyPass /favicon.ico !
        ProxyPass /public !

        ErrorLog logs/test-error_log
    CustomLog logs/test-access_log combined

        <Proxy *>
            Order deny,allow
            Allow from all

        <Location /balancer-manager>
                SetHandler balancer-manager

                Order Deny,Allow
                Deny from all
                Allow from all

On Jul 10, 6:24 am, Jose Galvez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Voltron,
> I just tested the whole proxypass thing on my windows box and it works
> as expected.  Looking at your apache confg code below the only thing I
> see is that DocumentRoot is set incorrectly, if that is really how you
> have it set that may be the problem.  I believe it needs to be set to
> the actual directory  which should be something like
> DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs"
> If that fails, maybe some info would help, what version of apache are
> you using?
> Jose
> voltron wrote:
> >> Why doesn't it work on Windows?
> > I´m not sure, exactly why, but even when I do this in my Apache
> > config:
> > DocumentRoot /
> >    ProxyRequests Off
> >    ProxyPass /css !
> >    ProxyPass /flash !
> >    ProxyPass /img !
> >    ProxyPass /scripts !
> >    ProxyPass /games !
> >    ProxyPass /favicon.ico !
> >    ProxyPass /http://localhost:5000
> >    ProxyPassReverse /http://localhost:5000
> > The same configuration, using the real domain name works on my Linux
> > Server, on windows, my development workstation, it fails, all the
> > templates render without the static content
> >> I have a symbolic link in my public directory pointing to a large
> >> directory of static files.  Not that this addresses your exact
> >> situation.
> > I have read of ways to create symbolic links on windows, but in case
> > of pylons, it feels like a hack, it would be cool just  to modify the
> > configuration for development on any os, and when its time to deploy
> > jszt change the setting or use a different ini file for production, as
> > it was meant to be. Everything else is sort of "hackish"
> >> Do you have to serve the files through Pylons (e.g., for
> >> authentication or logging)?  What about serving them directly via
> >> Apache (an Alias directive or "ProxyPass /pubic !")?
> > Hmm, I ´ll try using that.
> > Thanks
> >> --
> >> Mike Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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