Christoph Haas wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 05:51:00AM -0800, Mike Orr wrote:
>> On Jan 11, 2008 4:48 AM, Lawrence Oluyede <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> What about 
>>> ?
>>> About the JavaScript thing: is it savvy to  havea "one for all"
>>> dependency with one of the gazillion libraries out there?
>> That's an issue.  But Pylons should have good Javascript support out
>> of the box.  The question is how to accomplish this.  If there were
>> one obviously best Javascript library, we'd use that, but each one
>> seems to have different advantages.
>> The only disadvantage of ExtJS I've heard is that it's so big, not
>> that it's missing anything.  So that's an advattage.  Does it have
>> good modularity; i.e., is it possible to load just the parts you use?
> Ben suggested trying ExtJS to me because the basic functionality of
> ExtJS is close to that of jQuery. So I tried it and am pretty impressed
> indeed. The raw powers of ExtJS are definitely the complex widgets. I
> have never before seen an inline-editable grid with server-side sorting
> and an AJAJ (AJAX with JSON instead of XML) paginator.
> I see two problems though:
> - ExtJS (all of it) is 500 KB large. At least Firefox, Konqueror and
>   Opera load that pretty fast. But Firebug (a debugger addon for
>   Firefox) has a lot of trouble with that and only a hacked version
>   runs half decently.
> - You will write your application in 90% Javascript and 10% Pylons.
>   ExtJS just uses a backend like Pylons to exchange JSON information
>   for typical CRUD operations. You can't just use formencode with
>   htmlfill to validate your forms because you do not send HTML to
>   the browser. So you have to do some other kind of validation and
>   add Javascript for error handling. Don't get me started on that
>   ugly "for" loops in Javascript. I hoped I'd never again have to
>   see them since I dumped C.

When sending form data via JSON, wouldn't you just send the same values 
that you'd pass to htmlfill?  That is, extjs does the form filling, so 
you don't need htmlfill for it.

It would require some extra infrastructure, but it also seems like you 
should be able to accept the form data and run validators on it, then 
return error messages in json, if you want incremental error messages. 
Some sort of infrastructure for Javascript validation using FormEncode 
schemas would be good, with or without extjs.

Ian Bicking : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

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