Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:
> Ian Bicking wrote:
>> Some time ago I wrote this up as a proposal for the basic way 
>> authentication can work in WSGI:
>> http://wsgi.org/wsgi/Specifications/simple_authentication
>> I think most of the systems work pretty much like this, but I don't know 
>> for sure.
> Ian, that's exactly what I want :-) And your specification is almost 
> perfect. Some notes:
> 1. AuthKit authorization throws httpexception with code 401
> That's why you should handle exception in authentication side before 
> (matter of one line):
> app = HTTPExceptionHandler(app)
> Example middleware:
> http://hg.sandbox.lt/authform-middleware/file/2be2aba0a1b7/authform_middleware/authform.py

Generally you shouldn't throw expected exceptions outside of your 
application.  So HTTPExceptionHandler should be wrapping your 
controllers directly, and should translate any HTTPAuthorizationRequired 
exceptions into proper 401 responses.  I don't think the auth middleware 
should wrap these itself.

> 2. I think we should agree that user data if there is some data arriving 
> with authentication should be put into REMOTE_USER_DATA env. variable. 
> E.g. some SREG data comes with OpenID authentication and I put it into 
> dict converted to string ('{"nickname": "dalius"}') and later eval it so 
> it could be used. I'm not sure if data string must be agreed (e.g. 
> nickname, locale and etc) or leave that for authentication 
> plugin/middleware author to fix.

evaling is generally a bad idea.  You could consider it JSON or some 
more limited serialization of data.  Or put it in, say, 
environ['x-wsgiorg.user_data'], a real dictionary.  If you want to move 
that data over HTTP you have to serialize it to some header, but that 
might be best to consider separately.

> 3. It might be possible that pylons will handle error 401 properly even 
> without WWW-Authenticate header.

Pylons doesn't really care about WWW-Authenticate.  But the HTTP spec 
says that header is required with 401 responses.

It might be helpful with some cases where you really do want multiple 
logins on a site, or where you don't want to clobber the login system 
that some application might provide.  An example where you have to be 
trickier about logins is WebDAV -- they are in theory just web requests, 
but the authentication available is more limited, and there are client 
quirks you may want to work around.

Generally it's a somewhat open issue how to deal with different kinds of 
clients, e.g., browsers and other automated clients (WebDAV, REST calls, 


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