Newbie qn here - I'm currently evaluating Pylons and Django with a
view to building complex CRUD data input forms - lots of data
dependent/cross field validation; densely packed data fields; multiple
tabs per form. My question may not be specific to any particular
framework, but i'd be interested in getting feedback from who has
'been there/done that' with these frameworks.

I don't care/want/need the default Django Admin forms - I need to
create custom forms for each model as that is the interface users will

I've done a lot of CRUD GUI front ends and basic web forms feel
extremely limited by comparison. Web forms seem to be pretty much
based on 1 input field per row.   e.g. I have a form with several
check boxes defined for input - these could easily fit on a single row
(vs one row for each check box). However every tutorial/demo seems to
adopt this form design metaphor - Django has a 'forms from Model'
helper that does this as well.

I find this very wasteful of screen real estate t and users feel that
this is a step backward from classic GUI design. Where are the
examples that show more complex form layouts (if they exist)? It would
be great if I could somehow define a 'field group' that combines
specific fields onto a single row as part of the default layout -
especially if this could be specified in the model class and have the
form created dynamically (I can always dream <g>).

Maybe I'm tilting at windmills here and should just 'go with the
flow'  - however I'd be interested in hearing feedback  from others on
this. Are there any specific features of Pylons that improve over this
default layout approach?

Thanks for listening,

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