On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Marius Gedminas <mar...@gedmin.as> wrote:

> > Maybe I'm tilting at windmills here and should just 'go with the
> > flow'  - however I'd be interested in hearing feedback  from others on
> > this. Are there any specific features of Pylons that improve over this
> > default layout approach?

No, Pylons does nothing to help you layout forms. That's not part of its

Toscawidgets is closer, as you've discovered, but code generators like this
are really hard to make flexible-enough for cases like yours. Though, one
that's designed pretty well can make it so you can do most of what you need
with clever CSS.

You'll probably find this interesting:

It's probably a good approach for you; you'll end up making your own
"widget" library, which sounds awful, but probably takes less time than
grokking how to customize ToscaWidgets or EXTjs forms or whatever. And since
it's much closer to "just html" it's much more flexible... you can build the
system YOU need rather than trying to force someone else's code generator to
be the system you need.

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