Why bother wrapping sqlalchemy.engine_from_config? That part seems to take 
up most of the code in add_engine(), but when a user has an oddball database 
they have to read and understand the wrapper before they can stop using it. 
This particular issue was a sore point for me using Pylons' SQLAlchemy 
config from the paster template.

Oddball example:

def create_special():
    return dbapi.connect('odd database')

import sqlalchemy
e = sqlalchemy.create_engine('oddball://database', creator=create_special)

I think you should just require *two* extra lines of boilerplate:

import sqlalchemy
e = sqlalchemy.engine_from_config(settings)

Users can learn more SQLAlchemy and less pyramid_sqla, confident that 
add_engine is not doing any magic.

How do I configure a Session() that talks to more than one database? A 
SQLAlchemy session can have more than one bind: Session.configure(binds={
SQLAlchemy will persist each class with its respective database engine.

I encourage you to test your code without _base.metadata.bind = x. Mine 
works fine without it, and it is easier to persist the same table to more 
than one database engine if the metadata is not bound.

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