On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Chris McDonough <chr...@plope.com> wrote:

> It satisfies some people entirely, and other people very poorly.  The
> folks it satisfies poorly tend to be people who need to do very
> layout-intensive "retail" forms with lots of irregular styling and
> arbitrary layout.  They don't like it because it often it requires that
> they write Deform templates.  This is a large percentage of people.

Hmm. Thanks for the high-level perspective, Chris.

I'll weigh in; it was my question that started this.

As-is, I can't use Deform out-of-the-box. I'm willing to invest some work to
make it work for me, of course, but its not flexible enough on output, as
you acknowledge, for a large percentage of people. I don't think that my
needs are particularly irregular or layout-intensive, fwiw.

Styling forms sucks; and don't get me wrong, deform is a welcome tool in the
pyramid arsenal. And the default templates including support for "required"
styling and-so-on are completely up to par for markup completeness,
standards, etc.

But my needs are not advanced or special... in my opinion. Having
good/logical css-selector access to the html-elements and their containing
elements is necessary for my real-world work, call it 'retail', sure. And
the containing html as-is precludes simple things like 2-column forms. (I
expect it's possible through some clever use of float styles and re-ordering
the schema to zip left-right, left-right, left-right rather than
left-left-left right-right-right.)

It seems like a logical help for a "large percentage of people" would be to
let the widget markup stay as-is, which is deliberate and full-featured, but
over-ride the markup for the form object itself... letting the fields
slug-in their buckets of markup in a loop or a mapping. I think this will
get us 95% of the way there, except for *really* picky layouts, where the
number of spaces between the <label> and the <input> might matter or

I'm so ignorant with ZPT that I don't even know if the given form.pt can be
easily modified, but I expect so. If I can make this work, I could make a
recipe for the cookbook or whatever.

> If the next question is "what would it take to...", the answer is "I
> don't know".  I haven't had much occasion to think about it, and won't
> soon (delta sponsored work entering the equation).

Maybe those of us who have expressed an interest in this aspect of deform
can come up with an answer to this question...

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