On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Daniel Holth <dho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That's my point, foreign keys -do- work without problems even when you have
> more than one declarative base. That is the only feature that I mean to
> question. So my preferred SQLAlchemy style goes like so, with multiple
> declarative_base() and never-bound metadata. It might be helpful to remember
> that if you are using the ORM without declarative then you could have zero
> declarative_base() instances.

Would anyone like to take over maintaining SQLAHelper?  The version 2
API is finished in the repository but hasn't been released, because
I'm unmotivated to spend any more time in these
use-a-shared-session-container-or-not controversies.  The version 2
API expands the number of bases from one to an arbitrary number, and
replaces the getters/setters with attribute access. (Shims for the
version 1 API are retained for bacward compatibility.) I've gone back
to just using a 'meta' module in my own programs.

So if somebody wants to use SQLAHelper, I'd say use the development
version. If they want to maintain it, release that version.

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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