Am 08.09.2016, 11:10 Uhr, schrieb Andi Vajda <>:

On Thu, 8 Sep 2016, Dirk Rothe wrote:

Am 05.09.2016, 21:27 Uhr, schrieb Andi Vajda <>:

class _Tokenizer(PythonTokenizer):
  def __init__(self, INPUT):
        super(_Tokenizer, self).__init__(INPUT)
      # prepare INPUT
  def incrementToken(self):
      # stuff into termAtt/offsetAtt/posIncrAtt

class Analyzer6(PythonAnalyzer):
  def createComponents(self, fieldName):
      return Analyzer.TokenStreamComponents(_Tokenizer())

The PositionIncrementTestCase is pretty similar but initialized with static input. Would be a nice place for an example with dynamic input, I think.

This was our 3.6 approach:
class Analyzer3(PythonAnalyzer):
  def tokenStream(self, fieldName, reader):
     data = data_from_reader(reader)
     class _tokenStream(PythonTokenStream):
         def __init__(self):
              super(_tokenStream, self).__init__()
              # prepare termAtt/offsetAtt/posIncrAtt
         def incrementToken(self):
              # stuff from data into termAtt/offsetAtt/posIncrAtt
    return _tokenStream()

Any hints how to get Analyzer6 working?

I've lost track of the countless API changes since 3.x.

The Lucene project does a good job at tracking them in the CHANGES.txt file, usually pointing at the issue that tracked it, often with examples about how to accomplish the same in the new way and the rationale behind the change.

I guess we are here:

You can also look at the PyLucene tests I just ported to 6.x. For example, in, you can see that Tokenizer no longer takes a reader but can be set one with setReader() after construction.

Yes, I've done that pretty carefully. I think, this quote points in the right direction: "The tokenStream method takes a String or Reader and will pass this to Tokenizer#setReader()." from:$55331f10$ff995d30$

I've checked the lucene source and this happens automatically an cannot be overwritten.

So I've hacked something ugly together which seems to work.

class _Tokenizer(PythonTokenizer):
    def __init__(self, getReader):
        super(_Tokenizer, self).__init__()
        self.getReader = getReader
        self.i = 0 = []

    def incrementToken(self):
        if self.i == 0:
   = data_from_reader(self.getReader())
        if self.i == len(
            # we are reused - reset
            self.i = 0
            return False
        # stuff from into termAtt/offsetAtt/posIncrAtt
        self.i += 1
        return True

class Analyzer6(PythonAnalyzer):
    def createComponents(self, fieldName):
return Analyzer.TokenStreamComponents(_Tokenizer(lambda: self._reader))
    def initReader(self, fieldName, reader):
        # capture reader
        self._reader = reader
        return reader

I've made initReader() python-overridable (see patch). What do you think?


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