
I don't have a Mac, so I can't really help you here .. I know there are
quite a few people on the PyMOL list who've gotten APBS to work on Macs,
though, so maybe one of them will chime in.  If you don't get help here,
you can probably get some more advice on the APBS mailing list.  In case
you didn't sign up when you downloaded APBS, the webpage is

Once you get APBS installed, the APBS+PyMOL plugin should just work (it
doesn't really need APBS's psize.py).

But .. can anyone who has installed APBS on this platform tell me where
APBS puts psize.py?  I'd like to list that on my webpage.



This isn't a democracy;|                        _  |Michael Lerner
 it's a cheer-ocracy.  | ASCII ribbon campaign ( ) |   Michigan
-Torrence,  Bring It On|  - against HTML email  X  |  Biophysics
                       |                       / \ | mler...@umich

On Wed, 1 Sep 2004, Ann Mullin wrote:

> Hi,
> All I want to do is be able to create an electrostatic surface
> representation of a simple molecule.
> I am seriously overwhelmed by the information for compiling and setting
> APBS on their website.  I was happy to fine a link to download a
> package with an installer, but when I run it it fails at the very end
> and tells me to try installing again.  Also, is there any place that I
> should be installing this?  I tried in the Applications folder and in
> the folder I made to surround PyMOL and it's user manual.
> I also notice that there is a binary ready to use for G5 on the
> website, but where do I put this to work, and where is the psize.py
> file.  I rarely work on a UNIX platform and I have a very hard time
> switching from macOS to UNIX and back, since macOS is almost all point
> and click.
> Thanks for any help.  Ann
> Ann Mullin
> Research Scientist
> Cell and Molecular Biology Dept.
> Tulane University
> New Orleans, LA 70118-5698
> 504-865-6742 (Ph)
> 504-865-6785 (FAX)
> amul...@tulane.edu

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