Peter -

I can't remember if you sent this to the whole list or not (I only have one sent to me, but if you send it to both places, I get two coppies, and I often delete one of those), so I appologize in advance if you only sent it to me.

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Peter Haebel wrote:

On Monday 22 November 2004 20:29, you wrote:

I've heard this from a few people, and the answer seems to be that the new
version of APBS doesn't like chain information in the PyMOL-generated PQR
files.  I'll release a new version of the plugin that fixes this soon, but
in the meantime, the easy solution is to remove the chain information from
the PDB file before you start the APBS calculation.

how does apbs handle oligomeric proteins if it does not support chain ids? i
think pymol is not happy, if you have residues with identical chain (or no
chain) and identical resi.

 - apbs just cares about points in space with radii and charge.  in fact,
some of the test cases that come with apbs actually have duplicate residue
 - i think apbs probably supports chain ids pretty well; i think there's
just a mismatch in file formats between pymol-generated pqr files and the
latest apbs.
 - i think (this one i haven't tried, but i'm pretty sure) that if you
load the protein up in pymol and then remove the chain ids, pymol will be
just fine.

  - PyMOL couldn't assign charges/radii to some of your atoms.  Do you have
a non-standard protein residue?  If not, it may be that you have a
terminal residue that PyMOL/champ doesn't understand.  Can you look at the
PQR file to see which residues ended up with radii and charges of 0?

i have simply attached the original pdb file after refinement with CNS and the
converted pqr file.

there seem to be two problems with

a) C-terminus OT1 and OT2
b) Ser, Thr, Try OH-groups

this is by the way not the original pdb file 1ini, which i only used to
whether or not original pdb files work.

i think the OH groups are fine.  those have non-zero radii, so i think
it's just that the standard set of parameters don't put a charge on the
hydrogen there.  the terminal THRs, though, are trouble.  i think this is
a question for warren:

can champ handle terminal THRs?

(i'm really busy right now, so i don't quite have time to check .. if you
don't get an answer from warren soon, though, i'll double-check).

the first two and last two residues of the chain look like this in the pqr file:

ATOM      1  N   LEU A   6      26.067  12.507  58.949   0.101   1.824
ATOM      2  CA  LEU A   6      25.986  11.536  57.819   0.010   1.908
ATOM      3  C   LEU A   6      25.209  10.280  58.196   0.612   1.908
ATOM      4  O   LEU A   6      24.704   9.579  57.322  -0.571   1.661
ATOM      5  CB  LEU A   6      27.394  11.138  57.356  -0.024   1.908
ATOM      6  CG  LEU A   6      28.271  12.223  56.726   0.342   1.908
ATOM      7  CD1 LEU A   6      29.621  11.630  56.341  -0.411   1.908
ATOM      8  CD2 LEU A   6      27.578  12.796  55.501  -0.410   1.908
ATOM      9 HD23 LEU A   6      27.308  11.986  54.823   0.098   1.487
ATOM     10  H3  LEU A   6      26.642  12.122  59.684   0.215   0.600
ATOM     11  HA  LEU A   6      25.454  12.034  57.009   0.105   1.100
ATOM     12  HB2 LEU A   6      27.282  10.342  56.620   0.026   1.487
ATOM     13  HG  LEU A   6      28.430  13.025  57.446  -0.038   1.487
ATOM     14 HD13 LEU A   6      29.914  12.001  55.359   0.098   1.487
ATOM     15 HD22 LEU A   6      28.250  13.487  54.993   0.098   1.487
ATOM     16  H2  LEU A   6      25.140  12.687  59.306   0.215   0.600
ATOM     17  HB3 LEU A   6      27.916  10.861  58.272   0.026   1.487
ATOM     18 HD12 LEU A   6      29.546  10.543  56.312   0.098   1.487
ATOM     19 HD21 LEU A   6      26.677  13.327  55.809   0.098   1.487
ATOM     20  H1  LEU A   6      26.475  13.371  58.621   0.215   0.600
ATOM     21 HD11 LEU A   6      30.369  11.923  57.078   0.098   1.487
ATOM     22  N   ASP A   7      25.123   9.988  59.492  -0.516   1.824
ATOM     23  CA  ASP A   7      24.402   8.804  59.946   0.038   1.908
ATOM     24  C   ASP A   7      22.955   8.814  59.477   0.537   1.908
ATOM     25  O   ASP A   7      22.238   9.804  59.631  -0.582   1.661
ATOM     26  CB  ASP A   7      24.450   8.684  61.470  -0.030   1.908
ATOM     27  CG  ASP A   7      25.795   8.193  61.972   0.799   1.908
ATOM     28  OD1 ASP A   7      26.303   7.191  61.420  -0.801   1.661
ATOM     29  OD2 ASP A   7      26.339   8.801  62.917  -0.801   1.661
ATOM     30  HB2 ASP A   7      23.679   7.983  61.791  -0.012   1.487
ATOM     31  H   ASP A   7      25.563  10.594  60.170   0.294   0.600
ATOM     32  HA  ASP A   7      24.899   7.940  59.506   0.088   1.387
ATOM     33  HB3 ASP A   7      24.284   9.678  61.886  -0.012   1.487
ATOM   3218  N   LEU A 227      17.723 -10.762  41.310  -0.416   1.824
ATOM   3219  CA  LEU A 227      18.730 -10.979  42.344  -0.052   1.908
ATOM   3220  C   LEU A 227      19.890 -11.839  41.842   0.597   1.908
ATOM   3221  O   LEU A 227      21.057 -11.531  42.098  -0.568   1.661
ATOM   3222  CB  LEU A 227      18.088 -11.633  43.573  -0.110   1.908
ATOM   3223  CG  LEU A 227      17.174 -10.734  44.413   0.353   1.908
ATOM   3224  CD1 LEU A 227      16.527 -11.535  45.530  -0.412   1.908
ATOM   3225  CD2 LEU A 227      17.993  -9.584  44.989  -0.412   1.908
ATOM   3226 HD23 LEU A 227      18.234  -9.795  46.031   0.100   1.487
ATOM   3227  H   LEU A 227      16.782 -11.097  41.457   0.272   0.600
ATOM   3228  HA  LEU A 227      19.136 -10.005  42.617   0.092   1.387
ATOM   3229  HB2 LEU A 227      18.890 -11.990  44.219   0.046   1.487
ATOM   3230  HG  LEU A 227      16.382 -10.332  43.781  -0.036   1.487
ATOM   3231 HD13 LEU A 227      16.466 -10.922  46.429   0.100   1.487
ATOM   3232 HD22 LEU A 227      17.417  -8.661  44.928   0.100   1.487
ATOM   3233  HB3 LEU A 227      17.445 -12.422  43.183   0.046   1.487
ATOM   3234 HD12 LEU A 227      17.125 -12.423  45.734   0.100   1.487
ATOM   3235 HD21 LEU A 227      18.915  -9.474  44.419   0.100   1.487
ATOM   3236 HD11 LEU A 227      15.524 -11.835  45.227   0.100   1.487
ATOM   3237  N   THR A 228      19.569 -12.911  41.124   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3238  C   THR A 228      20.590 -13.807  40.593   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3239  C   THR A 228      21.444 -13.108  39.535   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3240  C   THR A 228      19.948 -15.058  39.957   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3241  C   THR A 228      21.031 -16.038  39.496   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3242  O   THR A 228      19.102 -15.703  40.918   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3243  O   THR A 228      20.959 -12.123  38.939   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3244  O   THR A 228      22.581 -13.566  39.299   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3245  H   THR A 228      22.852 -13.310  38.414   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3246  H   THR A 228      18.596 -13.109  40.942   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3247  H   THR A 228      21.221 -14.102  41.431   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3248  H   THR A 228      22.133 -12.425  39.039   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3249  H   THR A 228      19.359 -14.749  39.093   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3250  H   THR A 228      21.259 -15.860  38.445   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3251  H   THR A 228      18.974 -15.123  41.673   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3252  H   THR A 228      20.771 -12.360  38.028   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3253  H   THR A 228      20.675 -17.060  39.623   0.000   0.000
ATOM   3254  H   THR A 228      21.931 -15.891  40.093   0.000   0.000
TER    3255      THR A 228




This isn't a democracy;|                        _  |Michael Lerner
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On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Peter Haebel wrote:
Hi Michael,

i have just updated to the latest version of apbs-0.3.2 and pymol-0.97
under debian linux and get the following error messages (see below) + a
completely positively charged protein surface...

using a pqr-file generated at ''
of the same protein works, so there seems to be a problem with the
build-in generation of pqr-files.

i tried 3 different proteins from the PDB with and w/o ligand and water

any idea what's going wrong?




PDB code 1ini
all waters and ligand atoms removed by hand

radiobutton said to generate it Use PyMOL generated PQR and PyMOL
generated Hydrogens and termini so i am returning pymol-generated.pqr
radiobutton said to generate it Use PyMOL generated PQR and PyMOL
generated Hydrogens and termini so i am returning pymol-generated.pqr
WARNING: 5 atoms did not have formal charges assigned
WARNING: 10 atoms did not have properties assigned

This executable compiled on Nov 22 2004 at 15:59:46

Parsing input file
parsePBE:  Warning -- parsed deprecated "bcfl 1" statement
parsePBE:  Please use "bcfl sdh" instead.
NOsh:  Warning -- parsed deprecated statment "chgm 1".
NOsh:  Please use "chgm spl2" instead!
parsePBE:  Warning -- parsed deprecated "srfm 1" statement.
parsePBE:  Please use "srfm smol" instead.
parsePBE:  Warning -- parsed deprecated "calcenergy 0" statement.
parsePBE:  Please use "calcenergy no" instead.
parsePBE:  Warning -- parsed deprecated "calcforce 0" statement.
parsePBE:  Please use "calcforce no" instead.
Parsed input file.
Got PQR paths for 1 molecules
Reading PQR-format atom data from pymol-generated.pqr.
Valist_readPDB:  Unable to parse resSeq token (A) as int!
Valist_readPDB:  Error while parsing residue name!
Valist_readPQR:  Error parsing ATOM field!
Error while reading molecule from pymol-generated.pqr
Error reading molecules!
ObjectMapLoadDXFile: Loading from 'pymol-generated.dx'.
DXStrToMap: Dimensions: 129 129 97
DXStrToMap: Origin   14.554  -48.010   -7.484
DXStrToMap: Grid    0.579    0.523    0.664
DXStrToMap: 1614177 data points.
ObjectMap: Map Read.  Range = 3352.843994 to 12333.959961


Peter Haebel

Philipps-Universit?t Marburg
Institut f?r Pharmazeutische Chemie
Marbacher Weg 6
D-35032 Marburg

phone: +49-6421-28-25072
fax: +49-6421-28-28994


NAD3-Workshop 2005 - Divide&Conquer


Dr. Peter Haebel

Philipps-Universit?t Marburg
Institut f?r Pharmazeutische Chemie
Marbacher Weg 6
D-35032 Marburg

phone: +49-6421-28-25072
fax: +49-6421-28-28994


NAD3-Workshop 2005 - Divide&Conquer

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