It seems possible that an incorrect context is being returned by pyopencl
in Linux. I found the following post indicating that there is a bug causing
incorrect device contexts to be returned in Windows. Unfortunately, the
solution highlighted doesn't work in Linux.

Aaron Myles Landwehr

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:30 AM, Aaron Myles Landwehr <> wrote:

> I've compiled pyopencl with opengl interop however it doesn't appear to
> work with the newest release of pyopencl. I receive the following error
> running the example:
> Xlib:  extension "NV-GLX" missing on display "P".
> I've tested various interop examples and it seems to be the case that once
> a cl function is called, the program will exit with or without the error
> without running any kernel code (it seems racey whether or not it appears).
> I've also seen the same error with the slight variation of:
> Xlib:  extension "NV-GLX" missing on display "R".
> The display name seems odd to me since I'm simply running :0 as usual.
> Some other important information:
>    - The platform is SL 7.2 x64 with a K5000 using the newest revision of
>    the CUDA Toolkit and Drivers
>    - pyopencl without interop buffers works fine. pyopengl also works
>    fine.
>    - Interop works in native OpenCL, CUDA, and pycuda. It only appears
>    broken with pyopencl.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> --
> Aaron Myles Landwehr
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