Aaron Myles Landwehr <a...@udel.edu> writes:

> I'm only running as root for testing purposes instead of manually entering
> information for the xauth allow list. I've been doing it for quite some
> time, and it's always worked fine with native OpenCL/OpenGL interop as well
> as with pycuda's interop so I don't think it's the issue.
> Just to confirm though, I went ahead and tested with non-root and the only
> difference is that it indicates that a segmentation fault occurs during the
> cl calls:
>> DISPLAY=:0 python gl_particle_animation.py
> <pyopencl.Platform 'NVIDIA CUDA' at 0x2aadbe0>
> Xlib:  extension "NV-GLX" missing on display "P".
> zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  DISPLAY=:0 python
> gl_particle_animation.py

Anything incriminating in dmesg?


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