Hi Christian (2012.07.31_13:05:48_+0200)
> >vaguely inline

Hrm, I never finished that sentance, because I went back and made the
point earlier in the mail.

> Your backport makes sense, but the reasoning should be identical
> between cpython and pypy.
> If cpython does not do it, pypy does not do it.

cpython has a long legacy in Debian, and many existing packages that
depend on particular semantics. PyPy can afford to make changes that
cpython can't. Using PEP3147 + 3149 means that I only need to put python
modules in one place, for all versions of PyPy to consume.

I don't want to end up having to carry multiple versions of pypy in the
archive, as we have to with cpython 2.x. With 3.x, we've already seen
the benefit of PEP3147 + 3149.

> The bytecode compatibility is also identical between cpython and pypy,
> there is no issue here that is not there.

I believe that isn't the case:

> pypy currently shows itself as python 2.7.2, and that is the truth.
> Different behavior introduced by a distribution is IMHO not a
> benefit, but goes into an incompatible direction.

And I do my best to minimize that. In this case, I thought it was worth
the delta.


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 461 1230 C: +27 72 419 8559
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