STINNER Victor added the comment:

My analysis of benchmarks.

Even using CPU isolation to run benchmarks, the results look unreliable for 
very short benchmarks like 3 ** 2.0: I don't think that fastint_alt can make 
the operation 16% slower since it doesn't touch this code, no?

Well... as expected, speedup is quite *small*: the largest difference is on "3 
* 2" ran 100 times: 18% faster with fastint_alt. We are talking about 1.82 us 
=> 1.49 us: delta of 330 ns. I expect a much larger difference is you compile a 
function to machine code using Cython or a JIT like Numba and PyPy. Remember 
that we are running *micro*-benchmarks, so we should not push overkill 
optimizations except if the speedup is really impressive.

It's quite obvious from the tables than fastint_alt.patch only optimize int 
(float is not optimized). If we choose to optimize float too, 
fastintfloat_alt.patch and fastint5.patch look to have the *same* speed.

I don't see any overhead on Decimal + Decimal with any patch: good.


Between fastintfloat_alt.patch and fastint5.patch, I prefer 
fastintfloat_alt.patch which is much easier to read, so probably much easier to 
debug. I hate huge macro when I have to debug code in gdb :-( I also like very 
much the idea of *reusing* existing functions, rather than duplicating code.

Even if Antoine doesn't seem interested by optimizations on float, I think that 
it's ok to add a few lines for this type, fastintfloat_alt.patch is not so 
complex. What do *you* think?

Why not optimizing a**b? It's a common operation, especially 2**k, no?


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