Darryl Miles <darryl.mi...@darrylmiles.org> added the comment:

I've updated my attachment to the bug, if you read the old one please re-read 
the updated version (since some points in there were not accurate).

With regards to the OpenSSL error return -1/ERROR_SYSCALL with errno==0 being 
observed, I shall respond into the OpenSSL mailing list with a fuller response. 
 The man page SSL_get_error(3) does explain what getting a zero error means in 
relation to end-of-file at the BIO/TCP socket level.  In light of the 
presumption by me that the problem was because one end did a syscall close(fd) 
this makes perfect sense in the context of your observation and OpenSSL appears 
to be working as documented.  There is also code to print out the error in 
Python at Modules/_ssl.c method PySSL_SetError() so I'm not sure of the source 
of the funny looking error printing in relation to the ftpcli test case, 
consider it to be an error message formatting glitch.

Now the issue I see here is that there are clearly 3 use cases Python should 

 * one-shot raw mode (don't enter the loop at all, as per newssl5.patch/my 
attachment, this is more or less what you already have in CVS, but I would 
remove the 2nd call to SSL_shutdown(), raw mode means exactly that; the caller 
is in charge of calling it again, thin layer for Python power users) [case-1]

 * perform IO sleep/wait as necessary until we observe SSL_shutdown()==0 (or 
better!  so this will return if 0 or 1 is returned) [case-2]

 * perform IO sleep/wait as necessary until we observe SSL_shutdown()==1 

I presume you already have a way of handling the configuration of I/O timeouts 
as per Python's IO processing model (that is provided by some other API 

The question is what is the best way to provide them (what is inline with the 
Python paradigm?) :

 * one method, keep existing named method, add new optional argument that can 
indicate all 3 modes of operation.  Debate which of the 3 modes of operation is 
the default when the argument is not specified, case-1 seems to most backwardly 
compatible.  [I am presuming python supports optional arguments]

 * new method, keep existing as-is (to cover case 1), implement case-2 and 
case-3 in the method which also take an argument for the user to specify which 
use case they want.

>From this a patch should be straight-forward.  Then we can look to see if the 
>FTP client or server is doing anything wrong in light of having the building 
>blocks in place to achieve any goal on top of OpenSSL.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file16845/python_ssl_v2.c.txt

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