Glyph Lefkowitz <> added the comment:

> Well, that makes it the user-specific equivalent of /usr or /usr/local.
> Do you put your configuration files in /usr/local ? Why put them
> in .local ?

Yes, software built for /usr/local will often respect /usr/local/etc in 
addition to /etc.

Also, many desktop Linux applications put state into ~/.local/share/$appname.  
I am not sure about "configuration files", (apps that use ~/.local will 
typically use ~/.config for configuration, but that is a different thing 
entirely) but autotools applications built with '--prefix ~/.local' will often 
respect ~/.local/etc.

> I agree with Ned that neither ~/.local nor /etc are a good fit for OSX, 
> sadly enough I wasn't paying attention when ~/.local was added as python 
> already had a per-user directory on OSX: ~/Library/Python.

I argued loudly for consistency in treatment of UNIX-like OSes when this 
decision was being made, and I stand by that position.  Why would you want to 
break software that works fine on BSD and Linux by requiring that it 
specifically test for OS X, and do the exact same thing, but in a different 
directory?  (See 

The addition of a per-user directory on OS X when there were no similar 
directories on other platforms was a weird oversight.  The user site directory 
in Python 2.5 and earlier does not use any features of OS X and refers to 
~/Library/Python only by convention.

Plus, that convention didn't support the distutils properly anyway: if you put 
your library code into ~/Library/Python, where are you supposed to tell 
' install' to put script files?  With ~/.local, it's obvious: 

The real OS X convention is to put your code _into your application bundle_, 
after all, not into random directories in ~/Library.  If you don't have an 
application or framework bundle, you have one foot in UNIX-land already.

The point of honoring platform conventions is to provide a consistent 
experience to users; some users on OS X will be expecting UNIX-like behavior, 
some will be expecting Framework-like behavior, and there is really no reason 
not to provide both.

There is no reason not to consider /etc, for that matter.  PHP, for example, 
still reads /etc/php.ini on OS X.

nosy: +glyph

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