
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:

> [...]
> In order to deal with this, here is my proposal that should placate those
> of us calling for a ban now and those that feel like there has not been
> enough of a warning ((I can't communicate with him because I want him
> banned and I personally don't get along with him even in person, so any
> place where someone should talk to him it can't be me in the name of
> fairness to the process):
> 1. Someone emails Anatoly to tell him he is on indefinite probation for
> his behaviour where it is pointed out he can no longer insult anyone
> (including the PSF), he can't re-open issues without an explicit solution
> to the problem for why it closed, and in general has to just behave and not
> be rude
> 2. We agree to point out to him nicely and calmly when he has screwed up
> and overstepped his bounds while on this probation and to record when that
> happened (an email here about any incident should be enough) so that he can
> learn from his mistakes
> 3. If we do not see a pattern of improvement (this can be noticed by
> anyone and I'm sure we can get a consensus on it; unanimity is not required
> because that is impossible for anything with a group of our size), he gets
> cut off from the resource he is abusing the most and those cut-offs will
> continue on other locations if he does not improve there as well
> 4. If it goes as far as he is cut off and he manages to get the point and
> behaves elsewhere he can be allowed back on to where he has been banned
> after a year has passed (IOW he has to show actual improvement)
> Three key points in this proposal. One is that he gets an official
> warning; no more side discussions with core devs, no more "does he know
> people want to ban him" questions as it will be clear and explicit. He will
> be flat-out told his attitude and actions are not acceptable as they stand
> and they need to change.
> Two is that there is no time limit so that he doesn't just hide away for
> e.g. six months, comes back, and then starts stirring up trouble while
> saying he behaved within the allotted time that he had to. Any change needs
> to be permanent and perpetuate forever.
> Three, the cut-offs are gradual per resource so that it isn't an
> over-arching nuclear option.
> I say Ezio lets him know that this is the plan since he talked to him
> recently and is in the no-ban-yet camp.

Yesterday I talked to him, informed him about the probation and showed him
this message.  I hope this is official enough.

We also discussed about the contributor agreement and IIUC:
 1) he signed it already 1.5 years ago but apparently it got lost (that
wouldn't be too surprising if it really happened);
 2) he thinks the current agreement is "invalid" because the PSF doesn't
follow the terms and requirements of the linked Apache 2 license (and while
he doesn't seem against signing in, that would be quite pointless if it was
indeed invalid);
 3) he said that an electronic signature like the one at the bottom of
http://code.google.com/legal/individual-cla-v1.0.html should be used
instead of printing/scanning/mailing the agreement (this (or some similar
suggestion) already came up a few times here).

Best Regards,
Ezio Melotti

> But even if people don't like the explicit steps as I have outlined them
> as a general rule, someone who doesn't want him banned should tell him
> flat-out that he is on thin ice as I am an admin for python-ideas and this
> plan is what I will institute starting January 1 for that list and he is on
> the top of the list of people who will be in trouble if their attitude does
> not change (I am about to email Titus about drafting up a CoC for
> python-ideas so that this applies to everyone, not just Anatoly).
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