On Jan 1, 2013, at 11:54 AM, Ezio Melotti <ezio.melo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:
>> [...]
>> In order to deal with this, here is my proposal that should placate those of 
>> us calling for a ban now and those that feel like there has not been enough 
>> of a warning ((I can't communicate with him because I want him banned and I 
>> personally don't get along with him even in person, so any place where 
>> someone should talk to him it can't be me in the name of fairness to the 
>> process):
>> 1. Someone emails Anatoly to tell him he is on indefinite probation for his 
>> behaviour where it is pointed out he can no longer insult anyone (including 
>> the PSF), he can't re-open issues without an explicit solution to the 
>> problem for why it closed, and in general has to just behave and not be rude
>> 2. We agree to point out to him nicely and calmly when he has screwed up and 
>> overstepped his bounds while on this probation and to record when that 
>> happened (an email here about any incident should be enough) so that he can 
>> learn from his mistakes
>> 3. If we do not see a pattern of improvement (this can be noticed by anyone 
>> and I'm sure we can get a consensus on it; unanimity is not required because 
>> that is impossible for anything with a group of our size), he gets cut off 
>> from the resource he is abusing the most and those cut-offs will continue on 
>> other locations if he does not improve there as well
>> 4. If it goes as far as he is cut off and he manages to get the point and 
>> behaves elsewhere he can be allowed back on to where he has been banned 
>> after a year has passed (IOW he has to show actual improvement)
>> Three key points in this proposal. One is that he gets an official warning; 
>> no more side discussions with core devs, no more "does he know people want 
>> to ban him" questions as it will be clear and explicit. He will be flat-out 
>> told his attitude and actions are not acceptable as they stand and they need 
>> to change.
>> Two is that there is no time limit so that he doesn't just hide away for 
>> e.g. six months, comes back, and then starts stirring up trouble while 
>> saying he behaved within the allotted time that he had to. Any change needs 
>> to be permanent and perpetuate forever.
>> Three, the cut-offs are gradual per resource so that it isn't an 
>> over-arching nuclear option.
>> I say Ezio lets him know that this is the plan since he talked to him 
>> recently and is in the no-ban-yet camp.
> Yesterday I talked to him, informed him about the probation and showed him 
> this message.  I hope this is official enough.
> We also discussed about the contributor agreement and IIUC:
>  1) he signed it already 1.5 years ago but apparently it got lost (that 
> wouldn't be too surprising if it really happened);
>  2) he thinks the current agreement is "invalid" because the PSF doesn't 
> follow the terms and requirements of the linked Apache 2 license (and while 
> he doesn't seem against signing in, that would be quite pointless if it was 
> indeed invalid);
>  3) he said that an electronic signature like the one at the bottom of 
> http://code.google.com/legal/individual-cla-v1.0.html should be used instead 
> of printing/scanning/mailing the agreement (this (or some similar suggestion) 
> already came up a few times here).
> Best Regards,
> Ezio Melotti

All of this is moot; we have a new admin; we are working towards electronic 
signatures, but it uses the same CLA as before; the terms and licenses are not 

If he refuses to sign and send in the current CLA then that's his choice, and 
his contributions will not be included.

If he has specific legal concerns about the CLA backed by legal standing, he 
can send them to p...@python.org and we will have legal counsel review them.

>> But even if people don't like the explicit steps as I have outlined them as 
>> a general rule, someone who doesn't want him banned should tell him flat-out 
>> that he is on thin ice as I am an admin for python-ideas and this plan is 
>> what I will institute starting January 1 for that list and he is on the top 
>> of the list of people who will be in trouble if their attitude does not 
>> change (I am about to email Titus about drafting up a CoC for python-ideas 
>> so that this applies to everyone, not just Anatoly).
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