11.07.17 19:39, Brett Cannon пише:
There's isn't a way to block a merge at that stage. But one thing I've been thinking about is adding a check to Bedevere post-merge that sees if the commit message was left unchanged (not quite sure if I can come up with a reliable heuristic, though). In instances where the committers forgot, Bedevere would simply leave a message saying something like, "Hey, thanks for taking the time to merge a PR, but please don't forget to clean up the commit message before merging." Basically a friendly reminder to not forget next time (I'm also thinking of doing something similar for the formatting of the PR title after merging).

+1 for adding a post-merge check and a friendly reminder. I still see merged commits containing messages from all intermediate changes. I'm afraid that it would be rough from my side to remind about this every time, but the bot is impartial.

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