[Senthil Kumaran <sent...@uthcode.com>]

> ...

Personally, just as a nitpick, I'd like to reserve the term BDFL to Guido,
> and choose a different term to signify the ultimate authority of the new
> leader.

Finally - an important issue ;-)

I submit instead that Monty Python would _certainly_ have kept the BDFL
title.  The irony of having at least two living BDFLs is just too exquisite
to resist :-)

But we can learn from other dictatorships too.  For example, one of Kim Il
Sung's many titles was "President".  It was important for his son to get
fancy titles too when he took over, so he was also called "President".  And
it was Kim Il Sung's title that changed, to "Eternal President".  That gave
him even more prestige.

If there can be only one BDFL, then Guido's title should change to EBDFL.
On his resume he can explain that means "Emeritus BDFL", but we'll all know
it means "Eternal BDFL" :-)
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