On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 at 13:30, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
> So part of being and open and welcoming community, is knowing and 
> understanding that words, images, etc like that can make people feel like 
> we’re either a group that will directly engage in those attacks that have 
> been associated with them in the past, or at least won’t come to their aid if 
> someone does initiate those kinds of attack.

I'm going to take this one comment and respond to it out of context.
But generally, I agree with everything you said.

My biggest concern is that we're starting to build a community where
people feel exposed to attack for "CoC violation" accusations over
simple misunderstandings, or careless wordings. Or, for that matter,
using terminology that they weren't aware was unacceptable. Not "being
called out (by the offended party), apologising and moving on", but
going straight to policy complaints by people (maybe even people not
directly upset) assuming offense could be claimed. That's clearly
nothing like the sort of problems people with real reason for
sensitivity have to live under, but nevertheless it's not a
comfortable place for people to learn how to interact.

Balance, forgiveness, and a mature level of empathy are what's
*really* needed ("among the things that are needed...":-)). Not
policies. Policies should be weapons of last resort.

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