On Sep 26, 2018, at 19:28, Mariatta Wijaya <maria...@python.org> wrote:
> Really sorry folks, but I also would like to request an extension, by one 
> week to Oct 8.
> It's not because I've been slacking; I've started a five-page document (only 
> Barry has seen it), but I still need his help before it can be ready for the 
> public.
> In addition, I'm facing personal health issue. I'll be unable to work on the 
> proposal for the next few days.

+1 - I just got back from a whirlwind three weeks of the core sprint followed 
by my son’s wedding.  I did get a chance to start fleshing out PEP 8010, but I 
have a lot of catching up to do, plus two talks to give by October 1st, so a 
week’s delay would be very helpful.  I don’t think I’ll need more than that.


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