Can the mailing list admin please move this sub-discussion about
thread vs flat into a new thread? I explicitly asked to please not
discuss advantages and disadvantages of mailing list vs Discourse

"Please don't start a thread about the advantages and disavantages of
mailing lists and Discourse. It has been discussed multiple times.
There is a dedicated section on!"

I only asked *how can we take a decision*?



Le mer. 13 févr. 2019 à 21:33, Barry Warsaw <> a écrit :
> On Feb 12, 2019, at 18:01, Ned Deily <> wrote:
> >
> > On Feb 12, 2019, at 20:36, Barry Warsaw <> wrote:
> >> On Feb 12, 2019, at 13:59, Antoine Pitrou <> wrote:
> >> I know I can browse easily through a 161-message mailing-list or
> >>> newsgroup thread using a traditional threaded view, read what I want,
> >>> come back later to read the rest, etc.  But Discourse's linear
> >>> presentation pretty much kills that ability.  It doesn't even allow
> >>> *seeing* the structure of the discussion.
> >> That’s pretty much my same, biggest gripe about long GitHub issues and 
> >> PRs. ;)
> >
> > But you realize that this a feature, not a bug? :)
> >
> >
> Unfortunately, that post doesn’t talk about all the problems with flat 
> discussions, and there are many.  So if we have to, we can agree that both 
> have advantages and disadvantages, both have their proponents and detractors, 
> and very likely both are appropriate to some forums and discussions and 
> inappropriate (or ineffective) for others.  Or maybe more succinctly: both 
> are terrible. ;)
> That tells me either that the problem is fundamentally unsolvable due to the 
> nature of online discussions, or we’re asking the wrong questions.
> As far as software darwinism is concerned, we can also admit that top posting 
> has won, but not necessarily because it’s superior (in fact, IMHO it’s not).  
> It’s just that mobile and webmail has taken over and either because of 
> laziness or U/I difficulties, inline replies are too difficult.
> We live with plenty of inferior technology for reasons that aren’t entirely 
> based on actual efficiency and ease of use.  Techmology! (with apologies to 
> Ali G).
> -Barry
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