I had kicked off a discussion a while back at
about how to manage the stdlib (this has nothing to with *what* the stdlib
is and thus what belongs in it). It finally bubbled up in the SC agenda and
after discussing things we have three proposals:

   1. Update PEP 2 to say a PEP is necessary to add a module to the stdlib
   2. Update PEP 4 to say that a PEP is necessary to deprecate/remove a
   3. Mark PEP 411 as obsolete and thus dropping the idea of provisional

The PEP requirements are because the stdlib is important to manage
appropriately and since it's a shared resource it should be something we
all discuss. The PEP process seems like a good mechanism for both keeping
what we bring in under control while also making sure people don't break
people's code needlessly with removals.

The dropping of the concept of provisional modules is from simply having
not seen any true benefit that could have been had in other ways (e.g.
typing, asyncio, importlib.metadata). In pretty much all cases the APIs
could have evolved publicly first and then been brought into the stdlib
once stable (if at all), so the concept of "provisional" just doesn't seem
worth keeping around.

We wanted to see if there was consensus around any of these ideas, hence
this email. 🙂
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