On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 4:36 PM Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org> wrote:

> PEP 2 will have to be “un-superseded”, and presumably the devguide (which
> PEP 2 points to) will also need to be updated.

we discussed that a bit.  the dev guide makes sense as a "how to do it"
purpose document, useful for constructing PRs.  The PEP makes sense as a
"here's the policy before merging or spending too much time on it". they'd
link to each other, but they have distinct roles.

> I think it’s probably fine to drop the idea of provisional APIs.  Aside
> from the limit benefit of evolution within the stdlib, code still gets
> written against provisional APIs and people still complain when they break
> in non-backward compatible ways, so we might as well avoid the whole thing.
> -Barry
> > On Mar 22, 2022, at 16:26, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:
> >
> > I had kicked off a discussion a while back at
> https://discuss.python.org/t/how-do-we-want-to-manage-additions-removals-to-the-stdlib/10681
> about how to manage the stdlib (this has nothing to with what the stdlib is
> and thus what belongs in it). It finally bubbled up in the SC agenda and
> after discussing things we have three proposals:
> >       • Update PEP 2 to say a PEP is necessary to add a module to the
> stdlib
> >       • Update PEP 4 to say that a PEP is necessary to deprecate/remove
> a module
> >       • Mark PEP 411 as obsolete and thus dropping the idea of
> provisional modules
> > The PEP requirements are because the stdlib is important to manage
> appropriately and since it's a shared resource it should be something we
> all discuss. The PEP process seems like a good mechanism for both keeping
> what we bring in under control while also making sure people don't break
> people's code needlessly with removals.
> >
> > The dropping of the concept of provisional modules is from simply having
> not seen any true benefit that could have been had in other ways (e.g.
> typing, asyncio, importlib.metadata). In pretty much all cases the APIs
> could have evolved publicly first and then been brought into the stdlib
> once stable (if at all), so the concept of "provisional" just doesn't seem
> worth keeping around.
> >
> > We wanted to see if there was consensus around any of these ideas, hence
> this email. 🙂
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