On 8/16/06, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would actually love to test this, but I can't build trunk on Mac OS X.


Do you have more than one version of Python installed?

Nope.  I just have Python from /usr/bin/python.  Nothing special.

I do all my work on Mac OS X and have no problem. I only have the standard
OSE supplied version of Python installed though.

Not sure what you mean by OSE - do you mean OS?  Anyway, I just rely
on what comes with the OS.

I'm sure it worked at some point, but that's probably years ago.

I have:

Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar 20 2005, 20:38:20)
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1809)] on darwin

FWIW, am using Mac OS X 10.4.7 at present.

So am I.

mod_python.so doesn't link as the LINKFORSHARED values don't expand
properly.  It's not even the right value to be bringing in from
Python's Makefile!

Because of other stuff, have been ignoring the table object issues, but maybe
I should start paying more attention. :-)

I'm more than happy to fix up autoconf to stop doing the insanity with
sed and determine those values within Python directly.  I'll try to do
so this weekend: time permitting.  (Greg and I and the other SVN devs
solved this problem already within Subversion.)

However, since I can't build, this means that I can't debug this pool
problem.  =(  -- justin

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