Tony Meyer wrote:
> Is there any reason that this should be an option, and not just done?

Certainly: it's administrator load, which in turn is volunteer time.

> For
> occasional source (particularly C source) lookups, I've found webcvs really
> useful (especially when on a machine without cvs or ssh).  I presume that
> I'm not alone here.

Of course, so if there is a volunteer, to actually set it up, it should
be done. For the PEP itself, somebody would have to contribute precise
instructions how to setup websvn (what URLs, how does the Apache
configuration read, etc).

> If there are issues with it (stability, security, whatever), then I could
> understand making it optional, but otherwise I think it would be great if
> the PEP just included it.

There are security issues in the setup if you want to have non-public
repositories (which then shouldn't be public through websvn, either).
The pydotorg repository itself is non-public, but I don't know whether
this would be an issue.

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