Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> Tim Peters wrote:
>>Ah, before I forget, "single repository" has worked very well for Zope
>>(which includes top-level Zope2, Zope3, ZODB, ZConfig, zdaemon, ...
>>Long URLs don't really get in the way in practice (rarely a need to
>>type one after initial checkout; even "svn switch" is usually just a
>>tail-end cmdline edit starting from a copy+paste of "svn info"
> That would indeed give conversion problems:


 > cvs2svn automatically
> generates tags/trunk/branches in the root, with the original CVS
> modules below; there is a single space for tags and branches
> (as is in the original CVS repository).
> I would see two possible conversion procedures:
> 1. convert the modules one-by-one, adding to the same repository.
>    I.e. python would get all the small revision numbers, then
>    peps, then sandbox, and so on. Cross-module tags would not
>    be supported (but likely don't exist in the first place),
>    and the revision number would not increase in historical order.
> 2. convert the entire CVS, then rearrange things through
>    svn move. This would be tedious to do (atleast for tags/branches),
>    and it would cause all files to be renamed right from the
>    scratch (some svn clients fail to display history past moves).

You reminded me of another reason why I used a custom conversion script.

I did convert projects individually.  I told cvs2svn to just create dump
files.  I then used svnload to load the dump files myself so that
I could make each project a top-level directory with it's own
trunk, branches and tags.

I'd be happy to share my scrips, although there's nothing all that
complicated about them.

> So for all who would prefer to see a single repository, could
> somebody please
> 1. state how precisely the repository should be organized
>    (with exact URLs on - eg. which of the
>    non-dist directories becomes toplevel, which ones
>    get their own tags/branches/trunk, etc).

I'm not close enough to the Python repo to offer much
of an opinion other than:

- IMO, a single repository is good

- The repository should be orgabized by "projects",
   where separate projects reflect more or less independent
   development efforts with their own teams and schedules.
   (Maybe Python doesn't have many of these.)

> 2. state how the conversion should be performed

Once you decide what the projects are, I suggest
converting each project separately.  I'd be happy to
share my scrips and experenice, although, as Tim noted
I'll be off-line for two or three weeks starting in the
next few days.


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