On 13Feb2019 0820, Victor Stinner wrote:
On my Windows VM, "python" is Python 3.7 :-) In virtual environments,
"python" can also be Python 3 as well.

I recall that I saw commands using "python" rather than "python3" in
the *official* Python 3 documentation: see examples below (*).
Problem: On Windows, "python" is the right command. "python3" doesn't
work (doesn't exist) on Windows. Should we write the doc for Windows
or for Unix? Oooops.

With the Windows Store package of Python, you get "python", "python3", and "python3.x" links added to your PATH, and I'm still thinking about ways to make this reasonable/reliable through the full installer as well (the difference is that the OS manages the links through the Store package, whereas each individual installer has to do it on their own otherwise).

I'm inclined to view "python" as the default, official command, with the versioned ones being workarounds added by distributors. So:
* our docs should say "python" consistently
* we should recommend that distributors use the same workaround
* our docs should describe the recommended workaround in any places people are likely to first encounter it (tutorial, sys.executable, etc.)

(And maybe this isn't currently how things are done, but I'd rather hold up an ideal than pretend that the status quo can't be changed - this list is literally for discussing changing the status quo of anything in core Python ;) )

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