> On Feb 13, 2019, at 9:13 AM, Steve Dower <steve.do...@python.org>
> I'm inclined to view "python" as the default, official command, with the 
> versioned ones being workarounds added by distributors.

+1 — almost. I agree that “python” be the default, but it would be
good to require (or at least highly encourage) that there be a
“python3” as well.

There will be folks wanting to run python3 on systems where there is
still a “python” pointing to py2 — particularly since that is still
the “correct” way to do it!

> (And maybe this isn't currently how things are done, but I'd rather hold up 
> an ideal than pretend that the status quo can't be changed -



> this list is literally for discussing changing the status quo of anything in 
> core Python ;) )
> Cheers,
> Steve
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