Barry Warsaw writes:
 > On Jun 6, 2019, at 09:15, David Mertz <> wrote:
 > > 
 > > The old URL is definitely a lot friendlier, even apart from the length.
 > Unfortunately, the old URLs aren’t really permanent.

True.  That could be addressed in theory, but it would be fragile (ie,
vulnerable to loss or corruption of the external database mapping
messages to URLs).  Calculating from the message itself means that if
you have the message you can always get where you want to go.

 > The new URLs are guaranteed to be reproducible from the original
 > message source.  The downside is that they are less friendly.

They could, however be made more friendly than they currently are.
There's no reason (in principle, of course it requires changing code
and the DNS) why your message, currently given the Archived-At URL

couldn't be given (A is for Archives)

which gets it down to an RFC-conformant 76 characters. ;-)  Of course
many lists would overflow that, and I agree with David that

would be better still.  Although the risk of collision would be orders
of magnitude higher (the date buys us some leeway but not much, we
could make the ID-Hash be 2019/06/B5VZSRS3DDXZN6ET (arbitrarily chose
middle 16), giving

(67 characters, allowing a few more characters for domain names and/or
list names -- note with the current scheme, a domain name which is 1
character longer probably uses up two more characters of space).

None of this is very attractive to me, for reasons I will go into on
Mailman-Developers or if you want to
file one.  Briefly, people who want short URLs won't be
satisfied, and the proposed URLs are more useful but still ugly.

Personally I think we should all just switch to RestructuredText- and
Markdown-capable MUAs, and kill off both ugly visible URLs and HTML
email with one big ol' rock.

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