Wes Turner wrote:
> Thanks for getting these upgraded. IMHO, being able to copy URLs from list
> message footers as references in e.g. issues will be a great boost in
> productivity.

This is possible to do using "$hyperkitty_url" in the message footer. You can
request the list owners to add that.

> On Friday, June 7, 2019, Stephen J. Turnbull <
> turnbull.stephen.fw(a)u.tsukuba.ac.jp&gt; wrote:
> >   Barry Warsaw writes:
> >   On Jun 6, 2019, at 09:15, David Mertz
> > <mertz(a)gnosis.cx&gt; wrote:
> >  >
> >  > The old URL is definitely a lot friendlier, even apart from the  length.
> >  
> >  Unfortunately, the old URLs aren’t really permanent. 
> >  True.  That could be addressed in theory, but it would be fragile (ie,
> >  vulnerable to loss or corruption of the external database mapping
> >  messages to URLs).  Calculating from the message itself means that if
> >  you have the message you can always get where you want to go.
> > 
> >   The new URLs are guaranteed to be reproducible
> > from the original
> >  message source.  The downside is that they are less friendly. 
> >  They could, however be made more friendly than they currently are.
> >  There's no reason (in principle, of course it requires changing code
> >  and the DNS) why your message, currently given the Archived-At URL
> > 
> >  https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/message/
> > 
> >  couldn't be given (A is for Archives)
> > 
> >  https://a.python.org/python-dev@python.org/EFHTPGCSB5VZSRS3DDXZN6ETYP5H6N
> >  DS/
> > 
> >  which gets it down to an RFC-conformant 76 characters. ;-)  Of course
> >  many lists would overflow that, and I agree with David that
> > 
> >  https://a.python.org/python-dev@python.org/2019/06/
> > 
> >  would be better still.  Although the risk of collision would be orders
> >  of magnitude higher (the date buys us some leeway but not much, we
> >  could make the ID-Hash be 2019/06/B5VZSRS3DDXZN6ET (arbitrarily chose
> >  middle 16), giving 
> >  
> > https://a.python.org/python-dev@python.org/2019/06/B5VZSRS3DDXZN6ET
> > 
> >  (67 characters, allowing a few more characters for domain names and/or
> >  list names -- note with the current scheme, a domain name which is 1
> >  character longer probably uses up two more characters of space). 
> Are these message IDs or hashes?
> Do they have to be (is this) base-36?
> Could they instead be base-62? (26+10+26)
> >  
> >  None of this is very attractive to me, for reasons I will go into on
> >  Mailman-Developers or gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/issues if you want to
> >  file one.  Briefly, people who want bit.ly-length short URLs won't be
> >  satisfied, and the proposed URLs are more useful but still ugly. 
> We shouldn't just drop extra date information from the URL and only lookup
> by the messageid unless we add a redirect to the correct dated URL; because
> caching and trickery.
> >  
> >  Personally I think we should all just switch to RestructuredText- and
> >  Markdown-capable MUAs, and kill off both ugly visible URLs and HTML
> >  email with one big ol' rock. 
> While I personally prefer .rst and .md, hovering over URL anchor text takes
> unnecessary time (and I'll remember whether I've been to the actual
> http://URL, but not 'here' and 'there').
> So I'm fine with ridiculous, preposterous long links (even in the middle of
> the email; without footnotes to scroll back and forth to)
> >  
> >  Steve
> >  _______________________________________________
> >  Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev(a)python.org
> >  To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-leave(a)python.org
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> >  Message archived at https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@
> >  python.org/message/O3T27UUHKKXATOPJT4KEQHREUGYVMELV/
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