On Wed, Dec 11, 2019, 6:40 AM Mark Shannon <m...@hotpy.org> wrote:

> Another thing I would like feedback on this:
> My justification for a single limit of one million across the board is to
> ease memorization and learning.
Is that sufficient justification, or would differing limits be better?

Absolutely not!

The "everything is a million" is a cute little phrase that we could
remember. Even then, I and most people works need to check technical
references to remember what "everything" includes. And I'm sure there will
be edge cases where is not immediately clear if <foo> is one of those
things limited, or which limit it might hot.

More real-world, different limits are relevant to different things.

Moreover, as I've said, even if there are specific gains, I STRONGLY prefer
setting limits to the least restrictive number possible to get that gain.
Maybe it's obvious you'll never need 2**53 of something, but if the
specific gains only benefits from grabbing 11 bits from a 64-bit word, make
that the limit.

If the specific benefit comes from packing 3 counts into the same word,
make the limits 2**21, not 2**20 for a "rounder" number.

Before I would move from -100 on the idea, I'd want to see a specific
benefit, not just a vague speculation that "a benefit might be possible."
Performance and cache locality is the obvious thing. It seems plausible,
but not certain.

But if you can articulate and actual security gain (I'm sceptical of that)
be specific. It's not obvious why am overflow of 32 bits is a more
fundamental attack vector than an overflow of 20 bits. If anything,
intuition would digest the opposite. But if the threat model involves
detecting overflow, doesn't 1 overflow bit and a limit of 2**31 work just
as well. Maybe not, but if not, *explain* why.

> Thanks once again,
> Mark.
> P.S. On the subject of tradeoffs, here's a bonus question:
> What, in your opinion, increase in memory consumption is acceptable for
> a 1% improvement in speed, or vice versa?
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