On Mon, Jun 01, 2020 at 09:36:40PM +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:

> zip() can be used to combine iterables of different lengths, including
> combining finite iterables with infinite iterators. By default, the output
> iterator is implicitly truncated to produce the same number of items as the
> shortest input iterable. Setting *truncate* to false disables this implicit
> truncation and raises ValueError instead.

It's not really *implicit* if there's an explicit flag controlling the 
behaviour, even with a default value. We don't use that sort of language 
elsewhere. For example, help(sorted) doesn't say:

"Return a new list containing all items from the iterable implicitly in 
ascending order. Pass reverse=True to disable this implicit order."

help(int) doesn't say that the base is implicitly decimal; help(print) 
doesn't talk about "implicit spaces between items, implicit newline at 
the end of the output" etc. It just states the behaviour controlled by 
the parameter.

This is accurate, non-judgemental, and avoids being over-wordy:

"By default, the output iterator is truncated at the shortest input 

> The conceptual idea here is that the "truncate" flag name would technically
> be a shorter mnemonic for "truncate_silently", so clearing it gives you an
> exception rather enabling padding behaviour.
> Flipping the sense of the flag also means that "truncate=True" will appear
> in IDE tooltips as part of the function signature, providing significantly
> more information than "strict=False" would.

"Significantly" more? I don't think so.

Truncate at what?

- some maximum length;
- some specific element;
- at the shortest input.

At some point people have to read the docs, not just the tooltips. If 
you didn't know what zip does, seeing truncate=True won't mean anything 
to you. If you do know what zip does, then the parameter names are 
mnemonics, and strict=False and truncate=True provide an equal hint for 
the default behaviour:

* if it's not strict, it is tolerant, stopping at the shortest;
* if it truncates, it truncates at the shortest input.

For the default case, strict=False and truncate=True are pretty much 
equal in information.

But for the case of non-default behaviour, strict=True is a clear 
winner. It can pretty much only mean one thing: raise an exception. 
Whereas truncate=False is ambiguous:

- pad the output;
- skip items as they become empty;
- raise an exception.

All three of these are useful behaviour, and while the middle one is not 
part of this PEP, it was requested in the discussions on Python-Ideas.

> That improved self-documentation then becomes what I would consider the
> strongest argument in favour of the flag-based approach:

I don't think that "truncate=False" (which can mean three different 
things) is more self-documenting than `zip(*items, mode='strict')` or 
`zip_strict()` (either of which can only mean one thing).

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