On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 01:41:02PM +0200, Thomas Wouters wrote:

> >     a, *?, b = expression
> >     print(?)  # wait this doesn't work;
> >
> I'm not sure how this is different than, say,
>     a, _, _ = range(3)
>     print(_)

For starters, that will actually print something, not fail with a 
SyntaxError or runtime exception.

You are correct that if I use the same `_` variable in multiple places:

     a, _, _, b, _ = something

and then need to see the "ignore" values for debugging, I can't. I 
will only see the value in the final `_` unless I rename them.

But with your proposal, I can't even see a *single* `?` (non-)target. So 
that's even more inconvenient than `_` because it affects more cases.

- `_` is inconvenient for debugging if you have two or more in 
  one assignment statement;

- `?` is inconvenient for debugging if you have two or more in
  one assignment statement; 
- PLUS if you have only a single one in the statement.

So strictly more inconvenient.

Each time I use a `?` target, I expect that eventually I will need to 
debug that piece of code. When I need to debug it, I will need to change 
the `?` into a real variable. I don't plan to change it back: why churn 
the code unnecessarily? So there's this ratchett effect, where over time 
every `?` I use will eventually be converted into a real variable. So 
why not just use real variables in the first place?

Unless there is a seriously large performance gain from `?` I wouldn't 
bother using it in the first place.

I don't hate the idea, but I don't think it's very useful either.

> That is to say, some things are impossible; if you want to print the value,
> don't assign to '?'.

Indeed, but the problem is that when I name the variable *today*, I 
might not know that *tomorrow* I will need to see its value.

> > In my opinion, having a convention to treat certain variables as
> > "unused" is great (I'm partial to `__` myself, to avoid clobbering the
> > special variable `_` in the REPL). But having that be a pseudo-variable
> > which is *actually* unused and unuseable strikes me as being an
> > attractive nuisance.
> >
> And yet that's exactly what is being proposed in pattern matching.
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0634/#id3


"A wildcard pattern always succeeds. It binds no name."

That says nothing about variables. It defines a *pattern* which always 
matches anything. Patterns are a different kind of thing to variables, 
just as keywords are not variables.

A better argument for your position woud be this quote from a 
different PEP, 635: 

"The wildcard pattern is a special case of a 'capture' pattern: it 
accepts any value, but does not bind it to a variable."


But I think that description makes a conceptual error. I think it is a 
mistake to think of the wildcard pattern as a non-binding capture 
pattern, since that's a contradiction: if it never captures any value, 
how can it be a capture pattern?

I think that it is important to recognise that the wildcard pattern is 
*distinct* from capture patterns, literal patterns etc. Like literal 
patterns, it captures nothing. Unlike literal and other patterns, it 
matches everything. There's a certainly similarity to capture patterns

No, that's not "exactly what is being proposed". The *pattern* "_" is 
not an assignment target. Capture patterns are similar to assigment 
targets, but patterns in general are not:

    case []

does not attempt to use [] as an assignment target. Likewise for value 
patterns such as `case HttpStatus.OK`. Value patterns like HttpStatus.OK 
are perfectly legal assignment targets, but that's not what they mean 
inside a case statement.

Symbols having multiple meanings are not so unusual:

- inside a float, a . is part of the float;
- outside of a float, a . is an attribute delimiter;

- the chars 'None' have special meaning on their own;
- but otherwise inside an identifier, or a string, they're just letters;

- round brackets (parentheses) can mean grouping or calling;
- square brackets create lists, or subscripting;

etc. Why are we so hung up over the fact that inside a case statement, 
the underscore means something different from outside of a match 
statement? It seems like a very minor issue to worry about.

If we can accept that `None` and other keywords are syntactically legal 
identifiers, but not actually usable as identifiers as they are reserved 
for other purposes, then we ought to be able to accept that `_` is 
syntactically a legal assignment target, but not usable as a capture 
pattern as it is reserved for another purpose (wildcard pattern).

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