I had I and still don't know what's going on. Mine was in a response to a
release announcement so it was extra weird. Here is what I received:

I have now formally filed a final lawsuit against the manager of the python
> program company, because all of him is also a criminal act, and GNU has EU
> legal certification, only my key can log in, and the key must be recycled
> after the death of the holder, and gitlab allows to change It’s the most
> basic and important crime to log in by people who support the snatching of
> the key. I have to explain to you that the key is to be registered and
> authenticated. My girlfriend wants to authenticate me with this key, and
> my information is also there. The key is authenticated, so I will not log
> in now, and I have submitted a lawsuit against him and the authority of the
> key holder to the U.S. Supreme Court and the European Union. I will not
> log in until there is a judgment or the U.S. Supreme Court allows me.
> People will be litigated, and the information that has been changed online
> will be found out, and I have library files, I have all the original
> materials, please cooperate with me, my key is called the Boss key, all
> websites of the program, companies, Institutions, banks, third-party
> platforms, and only my keys can have them, including patents and
> copyrights.

On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 at 16:44, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:

> I just got the reply below sent directly to my personal account, and I'm
> confused about what's going on. If it's just a one off I'll chalk it up to
> random internet weirdness, but if other folks are getting these too it
> might be something the list admins should look into? Or... something?
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Hoi lam Poon <gillcovi...@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Apr 23, 2021, 02:01
> Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] Re: PEP 654: Exception Groups and except*
> To: Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com>
> Stop pretending, I can definitely get the key control file, your working
> group, all past actions and instructions cannot be cleared in front of me
> at all. You have been playing around for a few days, and I won’t stop you.
> Your face? I won’t, you know, you can’t drive me away, and that file is
> all, after I get it, you will be convicted even if you disband, I swear
> 在 2021年4月23日 週五 16:23,Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> 寫道:
>> On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 4:50 PM Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org>
>> wrote:
>> > On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 3:26 PM Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> >> Sure. This was in my list of reasons why the backwards compatibility
>> >> tradeoffs are forcing us into awkward compromises. I only elaborated
>> >> on it b/c in your last email you said you didn't understand why this
>> >> was a problem :-). And except* is definitely useful. But I think there
>> >> are options for 'except' that haven't been considered fully.
>> >
>> > Do you have any suggestions, or are you just telling us to think
>> harder? Because we've already thought as hard as we could and within all
>> the constraints (backwards compatibility and otherwise) we just couldn't
>> think of a better one.
>> The main possibility that I don't think we've examined fully is to
>> make 'except' blocks fire multiple times when there are multiple
>> exceptions. We ruled it out early b/c it's incompatible with nested
>> EGs, but if flat EGs are better anyway, then the balance shifts around
>> and it might land somewhere different. it's a tricky discussion
>> though, b/c both the current proposal and the alternative have very
>> complex implications and downsides. So we probably shouldn't get too
>> distracted by that until after the flat vs nested discussion has
>> settled down more.
>> I'm not trying to filibuster here -- I really want some form of EGs to
>> land. I think python has the potential to be the most elegant and
>> accessible language around for writing concurrent programs, and EGs
>> are a key part of that. I don't want to fight about anything; I just
>> want to work together to make sure we have a full picture of our
>> options, so we can be confident we're making the best choice.
>> > The real cost here is that we would need a new "TracebackGroup"
>> concept, since the internal data structures and APIs keep the traceback
>> chain and the exception object separated until the exception is caught. In
>> our early design stages we actually explored this and the complexity of the
>> data structures was painful. We eventually realized that we didn't need
>> this concept at all, and the result is much clearer, despite what you seem
>> to think.
>> I'm not talking about TracebackGroups (at least, I think I'm not?). I
>> think it can be done with exactly our current data structures, nothing
>> new.
>> - When an EG is raised, build the traceback for just that EG while
>> it's unwinding. This means if any C code peeks at exc_info while it's
>> in flight, it'll only see the current branch of the traceback tree,
>> but that seems fine.
>> - When the exception is caught and we go to write back the traceback
>> to its __traceback__ attribute, instead "peek through" the EG and
>> append the built-up traceback entries onto each of the constituent
>> exceptions.
>> You could get cleverer for efficiency, but that basic concept seems
>> pretty simple and viable to me. What am I missing?
>> -n
>> --
>> Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org
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