I just got one now from the same person on the dependabot thread. Entirely
in Chinese except for "GNU license" in the middle, along with an attached
jpeg of a random SciPy-related tweet (according to Gmail's preview
thumbnail; I didn't actually open the attachment for obvious reasons).

On Sun, May 2, 2021, 5:08 AM Jeff Allen <ja...@farowl.co.uk> wrote:

> Yes, I got one from the same address today. Thanks for pointing out these
> are individual peformances: it was annoying when I thought it was spam to
> the list.
> Although Hoi Lam Poon is a real (female) name, it may signify a generated
> lampoon.
> Jeff Allen
> On 23/04/2021 16:38, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> I just got the reply below sent directly to my personal account, and I'm
> confused about what's going on. If it's just a one off I'll chalk it up to
> random internet weirdness, but if other folks are getting these too it
> might be something the list admins should look into? Or... something?
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Hoi lam Poon <gillcovi...@gmail.com>
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