On 16/08/2021 08:41, Federico Salerno wrote:
"Pretendere" in Italian means "to demand", it's a false friend with the English "pretend". I don't know whether Marco is Italian (the false friend might also be there between Spanish or whatever other romance language he speaks and English, for all I know). From a native Italian speaker's perspective, what he meant was very clear to me, but it's also clear that an English speaker with no experience of Italian would not be expected to understand the meaning necessarily.

I reached the same conclusion with the help of: https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/pretendere#Etimologia_/_Derivazione . Pop open the translations (Traduzioine). English has diverged from the latin, as explained elsewhere on the thread.

It's all easily explained by a misunderstanding of Steven's remark about upvotes (to agree with the answer provided by Monica) and subsequent frustration in being unable to make oneself understood.

Either way, from an outsider's perspective this whole bickering over such a small thing seems unfit for a list where adults talk about technical details. It seems to me that someone should swallow their pride and let this thread drop once and for all, it's not bringing anything useful or relevant.

Quite possibly. But I've offered a grown-up response in a separate post.


Jeff Allen

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