On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 10:43:12PM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

> The problems here are not Python's, they are code reviewers', and that
> means they're really attacks against the code review tools.

I think that's a bit strong. Boucher and Anderson's paper describes 
multiple kinds of vulnerabilities. At a fairly quick glance, the BIDI 
attacks does seem to be a novel attack, and probably exploitable.

But unfortunately it seems to be the Unicode confusables or homoglyph 
attack that seems to be getting most of the attention, and that's not 
new, it is as old as ASCII, and not so easily exploitable. Being able to 
have А (Cyrillic) Α (Greek alpha) and A (Latin) in the same code base 
makes for a nice way to write obfuscated code, but it's *obviously* 
obfuscated and not so easy to smuggle in hostile code.

Whereas the BIDI attacks do (apparently) make it easy to smuggle in 
code: using invisible BIDI control codes, you can introduce source code 
where the way the editor renders the code, and the way the coder reads 
it, is different from the way the interpreter or compiler runs it.

That is, I think, new and exploitable: something that looks like a 
comment is actually code that the interpreter runs, and something that 
looks like code is actually a string or comment which is not executed, 
but editors may syntax-colour it as if it were code.

Obviously we can mitigate against this by improving the editors (at the 
very least, all editors should have a Show Invisible Characters option). 
Linters and code checks should also flag problematic code containing 
BIDI codes, or attacks against docstrings.

Beyond that, it is not clear to me what, if anything, we should do in 
response to this new class of Trojan Source attacks, beyond documenting 

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