> What happens when the new maintainer puts malware in the next release of
> a package in sumo.txt?
> Will core devs be blamed for listing it?
> As a user, how do I determine if I can trust the packages there? (This
> is easily the hardest part of finding and installing a package from
> PyPI, though many people seem to skip it.)

I will point out that you quoted my entire post except for the most
important line, the one which reads:

> Just thinking out loud...

I am still thinking out loud, so keep that in mind. (Perhaps this belongs
on one of the two ideas groups, but this is where things started, so I will
continue here for now.)

Consider a hypothetical situation.

   - Suppose Python v. X is the last version delivered with batteries, so
   v. Y lacks a json module (assuming that's not determined to be so
   important that it must be delivered as part of the CPython installer proper)
   - Downstream, some Linux distro realizes their users still want
   batteries (as do their Python admin tools), so recreates a Python
   package with them. Their package of v. Y *does* include (at least) the
   json battery.
   - One of the maintainers of the now externally maintained json battery
   takes it upon themselves to protest an incursion into East WhatsItStan by
   West WhatsItStan in the worst manner possible and inserts code to scrub
   disks of all West WhatsItStan-ian homed computers (as the primary
   maintainer of some widely installed (Node? JS?) package package did).
   - Some poor West WhatsItStan-ian upgrades their Linux distro, only to
   find when they next run their favorite Python application that their disk
   drive is wiped clean.

Note that I haven't postulated the existence of a sumo.txt file. Whether
the CPython distribution contains batteries or not, someone will recreate
the batteries, if not in toto, at least piecemeal (some application or
package depends on json and will blindly pull it in). Who gets the blame
here? The core Python devs (because json "always came with Python")? The
maintainers of the Linux distro for recreating the batteries but not having
any West WhatsItStanian-based testers? The new maintainers of the now
external (and corrupted) json package? Maybe the several levels of
indirection would serve to insulate the Python devs, but maybe not.

> If they do exert control, why not keep it in stdlib?

Perhaps that is the best route. Someone here (Stéfane Fermigier, it seems)
questioned whether batteries included are such a good idea. It's quite
possible that enough core devs disagree with that sentiment that the
batteries will stay (and perhaps grow in number, though more slowly than in
the past). That said, if enough devs agree with Stéfane, then what's the
best route forward? Discard all batteries and let the chips fall where they
may? Extract the dead batteries (and presumably their docs and test bits)
into separate github.com/python repositories? Ask others to extract them
into their own non-github.com/python repositories?

One of the common reasons old platform support is dropped from CPython
(OS/2 or AmigaOS anyone?) is that the maintenance load for the core devs is
too high relative to the community benefit derived from supporting small
minority platforms. The unlucky modules named by PEP 594 are about to
suffer the same fate. (I'm not arguing that they shouldn't be deleted.)

Once PEP 594 has been implemented, all the low-hanging fruit will have been
picked. At that point, it's keep everything or keep (almost) nothing. I
think that will largely depend on the willingness of the core devs to keep
maintaining modules they may well never use in their own work (like getopt
and wave). One thing I think is obvious. If you remove all the batteries
not deemed absolutely essential to build and test CPython, I think you have
to somehow symbolically say, "these correspond to the various batteries
which used to be in the CPython distribution." Maybe it's text in a README
file, a new PEP, a sumo.txt file, or a Linux distro's packaging.


P.S. Personally, I was never fond of shutil or the logging package (as two
examples — though for different reasons). We might have something better in
both realms by now if they hadn't been added to the stdlib long ago. This
ability of presence in the stdlib to forestall further development might
well be the strongest argument to remove most batteries. On the other hand,
we seem to have had little trouble cycling through several completely
different regular expression modules. Maybe I'm just imagining a barrier
where none exists.
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