On 09:17 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
But the key point I want to get across is people should not being
getting mad at Martin.  The people who are getting all bent out of
shape over this should be upset at python-dev as a whole for not
having a clear policy on this sort of thing.  Martin just happened to
be the guy who made a change that sparked this and he is explaining
his thinking behind it (which also happens to mirror my thinking on
this whole situation).  It could have easily been someone else.

On part of this point, I have to agree. Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali.

However, the decision was a bad one regardless of the existing policy, and sets a bad precedent while we are discussing this policy. I could be wrong, but I think it would be reasonable to assume that if Martin strongly supports such a change, Martin would oppose a policy which would strictly forbid such changes, and it is just such a policy that Python needs.
Bottom line, let's work together as a group to come up with a policy
in a civil, positive manner (in a new thread!) and let the result of
that decision guide what is done with this fix.  Yelling at poor
Martin about one patch when we could be spending this effort on trying
to discuss what kind of policy we want is not getting us anywhere.

I *am* working on that on the side and I hope to have something coherent and whole to present here, in that different thread, very soon. The point, for me, of participating in *this* thread is (A) to continue to keep the issue high-visibility, because in my opinion, compatibility policy is _THE_ issue that python-dev needs to deal with now, (B) to deal with the aforementioned strongly implied opposition to such a policy, and (C) last but not least, to actually get the patch reverted, since, while it is not the larger problem, it is, itself, a problem that needs to be fixed.
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