2008/5/13 Jesse Noller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I am looking for any questions, concerns or benchmarks python-dev has
> regarding the possible inclusion of the pyprocessing module to the
> standard library - preferably in the 2.6 timeline.  In March, I began

+1 to include this module in the library, if...

- it's included in 2.7/3.1 after a stabilization period.

- it's stop reinventing the wheel and starts using the
already-in-stdlib infrastructure (this is from Martin's post).

- a champion appears willing to work with it and maintain it
afterwards (which is the opinion of the module owner about this?)

I think that including in the stdlib a threading-like-API module is a
clear win. Of course, this module won't solve all the problems or
necessities of multiprocessing world, but it's an included easy to use
start (in the same spirit that SimpleHTTPServer it's not an Apache,
but it's very useful if your problem area fits its limitations).


. Facundo

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