On 5 Dec, 06:10 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:27 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
With all due respect, for me, "library support" and "serious use" are

Glyph, I cannot have a discussion with you if every single post of
yours is longer than my combined daily output. Please spend some time
writing shorter posts. I'm sure I'm not the only one here with a short
attention span. :-)

I already spend a lot of time trying to remove extraneous details. The drafts of these messages are usually 3x as long :). So, trying to keep it short:

Thomas paraphrased my point pretty well. The importance of libraries cannot be overemphasized. Maybe you're right and the stdlib is enough for a large audience, but I don't know that audience. Everyone I know who uses Python, uses it because of a library. In some cases, an equivalent library exists for another language, and Python wins because it has a nicer syntax. But, in no case does Python win where it *doesn't* have the library.

I think that the marketing for py3 needs to target library vendors before targeting novices. If the novices are targeted first, they are going to have a bad experience when "python" libraries don't work with py3, and library maintainers are going to have a bad experience when clueless newbies harass them to update their software without understanding the magnitude of the work to do so.

I've been predicting this for years, but two days into Python 3's release, I've already seen real-world examples of this pattern in #twisted. I can tell these people to "downgrade" to py2 when they come ask me for help, but I don't think most of them ask for help. They just get angry and learn Java instead.
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