Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 02:52:24PM +0200, Simon Cross wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Tarek Ziadé <> wrote:
= Virtualenv and the multiple version support in Distribute =
My opinion is that this tool exists only because Python doesn't
support the installation of multiple versions for the same
Let's actually look at these reasons:

This is not at all how I use virtualenv. For me virtualenv is a
sandbox so that I don't have to become root whenever I need to install
a Python package for testing purposes

This is needing to install multiple versions and use the newly installed
version for testing.

Not really - it is wanting to install a single version of a library that you don't want to install into your 'main' (whether that be user or system) Python install. It is sandboxing and orthogonal to multiple versions.

and to allow me to hop between
sets of installed Python packages while developing on multiple Python

This is the ability to install multiple versions and specify different
versions for different projects you're working on.

No, it is working on multiple projects that have *different* dependencies and being able to work in an environment that *only* has direct dependencies installed - again sandboxed from your main Python environment.

The fact that virtualenv allows you to have multiple different versions of the same library installed in the different environments you create is completely separate from the motivation that causes many people to use it.

What virtualenv *doesn't* do (I believe) is allow you to have multiple versions of libraries installed within a single environment and switch between them (at least it doesn't offer anything beyond what setuptools or pip provides).

I also use it as a sandbox for build bots so that multiple
bots on the same machine can each build their own projects with just
the known dependencies installed.

This is the only use in the list that is virtualenv specific.  The rest are
cases of needing to install multiple versions on the system.


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